Description du poste :

Founded in 2014, Sim&Cure is French digital start-up focused on improving neurovascular treatments of cerebral aneurysm with a proprietary software suite. The Sim&Size™ software is a Class II medical device with CE mark and FDA clearance that has already been used to treat more than 10,000+ patients in 500+ hospitals in the world.

Through several modules, Sim&Size™ is a software suite that provides to the physician a 3D visualization of medical images and a computational model of neurovascular implantable medical devices (IMDs). The therapeutic strategy is the most important step of this disease treatment and Sim&Size™ is now part of it by being efficient, safe, and reproducible. Computational modeling of specific devices in the anatomy of a patient helps the physician to achieve the intended outcome of the intervention.
Coil modeling and validation 
(Internship for the Biomechanics team) 
The Biomechanics team is working on advancing the design of the FCsize module. Since February 2024, the team has been focused on developing three different mathematical models for coiling. Two of these models utilize dynamic path planning algorithms, while the third is based on finite element modeling (FEM). The dynamic path planning models are computationally efficient and aligned with the Sim&Size product, while the FEM model, developed in LS-DYNA, acts as a benchmark to evaluate and refine the other methods and make decision about the final solution. 
This internship project will focus on helping to finalize the design of the new FCsize module by conducting comparative studies, tuning parameters, extract relevant clinical indices from simulations, and validating the models for product integration. 
Simulation Studies: conduct simulations, post process the results and compare results from the three models to address design questions (e.g., impact of coil pre-shape and material properties on final deployment and coil apposition). Select and fine-tune the most compatible algorithm to achieve best possible results. 
Validation: Design and execute validation studies to ensure readiness for product integration. Investigate new validation methods that can be added to the V&V protocols, such as contact force validation. 

Required Skills and Competencies: 
* Finite Element Modeling (preferably experience with LS-DYNA) 
* Python Programming 
* Post-Processing (preferably experience with ParaView) 
* Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving 
* Solid Mechanics/Mechanical Engineering 
* Familiarity with experimental methods and validation activities